Wednesday, September 26, 2012

How Plumbers in Atlanta Unclog Toilet Faster

Most plumbers in Atlanta do the same thing when it comes to unclogging toilets and if you follow these steps you might not need to call them at all. These steps do not require expensive gadgets or equipment and costly lubricants. You can find these items at home or you may buy them now for future use.

Materials You Need that You Can Find at Home

You will need a water bucket, a dish or liquid soap, a plunger and a wire hanger. You will also need sanitary rubber gloves and newspaper or other rugs to keep the floor dry. You may also make use of an auger or a flexible cleaning material and lubricants if all else fail. Plumbers in Atlanta would recommend lubricants which are not high in hazardous chemicals to keep you safe and healthy at all times especially if you do not have the necessary tools to protect your nose and respiratory organs.
Basic Steps Before Unclogging Your Toilet

You can check first if your toilet is clogged by flushing it once. However, before doing this make sure you have the toilet floors covered with newspaper or rugs to keep it dry should the toilet overflow. At the same time, make sure that you have sanitary rubber gloves on to protect yourself from germs especially if the problem has been existing for hours or days.

Check also if you have sufficient air or good air circulation to avoid suffocation. At the same time make sure that the source of water supply is turned off. This will help you avoid flooding in the bathroom floors.

Basic Steps in Unclogging the Toilet with Soap and Hot Water

Once everything is prepared, make sure you have boiling water ready. Half bucket of boiling water is enough. The temperature should be as hot as coffee or tea that you normally drink. Very hot water may also cause problems with your toilet bowls. At the same time, make sure that you also have liquid soap, even liquid dish or hand soap ready.

You may pour in a small amount of liquid soap in the toilet bowl. Let it sit there for a while allowing the liquid soap to act as a lubricant draining down the pipes. This will help move whatever material that has clogged your toilet slowly down the drain. After that, slowly pour in a half bucket full of hot water. Let the hot water add pressure to push the clogged material or substance down the drain. In most cases, according to plumbers in Atlanta these basic steps should be enough.

Moving to Plunger, Wire and Snake Method

If water and soap do not do the trick then it’s time to use the plunger. Push the plunger slowly into the bowl and toilet hole. Make sure you cover the hole entirely. Allow water and air to push slowly through the drain and pipes. The slow movement will help loosen the clog material into place and drain through the pipes. Leave the plunger in the bowl and add some water while pushing it down slowly. It may take a few pushes before you can see some improvements.

In addition, you may make use of a wire hanger or an auger to push things through the drain. You can unravel the wire hanger so it works as a clog remover like an auger. Twist and push the wire hanger or auger through until you feel that it is clear already.
You can also look for liquid substances that are commonly used by plumbers in Atlanta to unclog toilets and you simply have to follow the instructions to unclog the toilet.

There are simple steps you can learn from plumbing Atlanta but if they don’t work you can also give them a call to deal with complicated things.


  1. Normally people are unable to detect water leak problems so it is necessary to hire plumber for getting fast result as Water leak repairs .

  2. You may also make use of an auger or a flexible cleaning material and lubricants if all else fail. Plumbers in Atlanta would recommend ...

  3. ما تهتم به شركة كشف تسربات المياه بالرياض هو البحث عن كيفة علاج مشاكل تسريبات المياه التي تطرأ علي المكان فجأة بواسطة اجهزة الكشف الحدية التي تستخدمها شركة كشف تسربات بالرياض والتي تسعي للوصول الي افضل النتائج المثالية القادرة علي حل هذه المشكلة بدون تدمير فالاعتماد علي الاساليب الحديثة يساعدكم في الحصول علي نتيجة مثالية في مصلحة العميل فنحن لا نكتفي بتقديم هذه الاعمال في مدينة الرياض فقط بلا لدينا الفنين المتميزة الذي يقدمون شركة كشف تسربات المياه بالدمام التي تعمل علي حل مشكلة البيت بدون الاعتماد علي ا اساليب تقليدية التي تستخدما بعض مقدمي خدمة شركة كشف تسربات بالدمام فلا تتكايل بشأن هذه الاعمل بالذات لانه يحل لك الكثير من المشاكل
