Tuesday, February 12, 2013

A Boy, 7, May Face Suspension after Imaginary Grenade Toss in Colorado

A Colorado boy faces suspension from school after he reportedly disobeyed a primary rule of the elementary school of absolutely no weapons whether make-believe or real.Plumbing reports on this incident regarding the boy in Colorado.

Make-Believe Weapon

The second-grader threw a make-believe grenade while at school. In the Friday incident that occurred during recess, it is reported that after tossing the imaginary grenade he said ‘pshhh,’ which was meant to show that the device had detonated.

The boy who spoke to KDVR.com, a Denver news station that reported the incident, said that he was playing at his Mary Blair Elementary school grounds as a soldier saving the world.

“Rescue the World”

Alex Watkins says that the game he was playing was “Rescue the World,” and he was the heroic soldier whose job it was to rid Earth of a very evil threat. As part of his duty, he tossed the make-believe device in a box that he pretended had the evil forces enclosed therein. The boy said that he had been playing alone and did not make threats to anyone. The school in Loveland has listed ‘absolutes,’ which state that no weapons are allowed, even if they are only toys.
Calls to the elementary school to get the official position on the matter were not returned immediately.  

Mandie Watkins, the mother of 7-year old Alex, told KDVR.com that in her opinion the rule was not very realistic, especially given the age of kids in the school. She said that when a kid was trying in their world to save the whole world from evil forces then they should not be punished for this.
The boy, Alex, on his part said when he was making his final remarks on the issue that he could not believe that he had actually gotten "dispended." 

There have been many incidences of school shootings in the U.S which have led to the killing of many teachers and students alike. This situation has led to many schools and educational institutions putting in place rules governing the carrying of weapons within their premises, especially by students. Weapons of all kinds have been prohibited from school compounds in an attempt at curbing any such tragic incidents. However, some schools have been accused of going too far in their actions and rules as this school is thought by many to have done. 

Meanwhile the gun debate continues and the discussion on whether to regulate and restrict gun sales and promotions, especially for the military style weapons designed to kill many people at once. Atlanta plumbing hopes that next time, the boy will simply use the air in the box to represent all the evil in the world.