Monday, January 6, 2014

Benefits of Using Solar Composting Toilets.

Waste disposal is a major concern for most of the modern day homeowners. An enormous amount of waste is created on a daily basis by the ever growing human population across the world. Out of all modern and  innovative waste disposal methods, solar composting toilets are considered to be one of the more efficient alternatives.

Human waste can pose serious hazards to the environment, and one of the most effective ways to dispose them is to make use of solar energy in composting toilets. Solar composting toilets not only utilize solar energy, but also generates an end product that is an extremely efficient fertilizer. The process requires very little resources including a small amount of water.

The only difficulty in the process of constructing a solar composting toilet is probably the fact that it requires lots of space. Each of these toilets has a processing unit where the waste materials are converted into organic fertilizer. The processing units are found just below the toilet and consist of a solar collector and an air staircase. Though these two are adjacent, the solar collectors are located outside the building, and the air staircase is constructed inside. Organic waste discharged from the toilet is aerobically decomposed as it moves towards the air staircase’s end. Here, a separate chamber is constructed for the storage of the compost.

Aeration is done thrice during the compost storage period. The first aeration is caused by the heat resulting from the solar collector. PVC pipes are used for further aeration of the compost. Finally, aeration of the compost takes place for the third time when the moisture evaporates due to the passage of air within the storage chamber. Solar chimneys are sometimes used because the solar heat enhances the circulation of air and creates a natural draft of air. This air draft completely eliminates odor from the compost formed. It is important to add carbon containing organic substances to the chamber. This ensures proper air circulation within the compost pile. Depending on the toilet capacity,  the chamber must be emptied on a regular basis.

The most important benefit of using solar composting toilets is that their functioning depends only on solar heat. In general, treatment of waste materials requires a large volume of water. The use of solar composting toilets is highly recommended from the environmental point of view because it saves a huge amount of resources including water. The compost generated can be used as a highly efficient organic fertilizer.

Conservationists and environmental scientists around the world are recommending a widespread application of these toilets as a surefire step towards resource conservation and sustainable development. Call Anta Plumbing today to build your own solar composting toilet and protect the future of our planet.