Wednesday, August 8, 2012

When do I need a water heater

When do I need a water heater

Most people do not realize the  need a water heater until its to late an the damage is done.
On the average a good brand like RHEEM or A.O.SMITH will be your best bet. These heaters have a great track record as being the Best on the market and just about every plumber will tell the same .
Stay away from the cheaper ones at the large Discount stores. They only last about 3 years and you
will be doing this again. If your water heater is around 9 to 10 years old its time to start thinking
about getting a new one. They are so much more efficient than the old ones. Usually the first sign
is a little water trail at the bottom of the heater which means its rusted out and time to get a new
one. Most standard installs with the heater and everything up to code will run you about $700 to
$750.00. That's a good fair price for a quality water heater. The other plus is that the new heaters
 are so much more efficient and have a faster recovery rate and no more matches. They are sealed
units now and you lite them just like you would a grill with a electric igniter.


  1. I am a big fan of Bradford White Water Heaters. But when I go to install a tankless I usually use Rinnai. Many of my customers do not realize how in need of a new water heater they are until it is too late and they are stranded with cold water while waiting for a new water heater, and wondering how they are going to pay for it. Have your water heater inspected once a year to save future problems!

    My company, Newmax Plumbing offers the best Plumbers Cincinnati has to offer.

  2. I agree, I get so many calls from people whose water heaters have packed in asking if they can be repaired. Generally the answer is no, though there are some lucky ones who might get a few more years service. I offer an annual service to regulars whereby I check and service the central heating system and water heaters; conduct a gas safety check on the boiler, and other plumbing repairs necessary for that particular household.
